Free People @ Home

As we are all still staying home, or learning to modify our day to day… I have a renewed interest in cozy pieces.

I am long past feeling good still being in pajamas or sweats, but am still at home 90% of the time… so, I have been scouring around for pieces that feel comfy and cozy but yet look a bit more pulled together, or at least are fun colors! I want to enjoy getting dressed, and also, feel like myself but still be comfortable working from my couch!

I have been showing some of these finds on my instagram stories and lots of you are asking about them! Luckily, many are Free People and a great price point!

I thought I would make a quick blog post showing what I have purchased there recently and am wearing on repeat… and even more importantly LOVING!

I hope you, and your families are safe, healthy and finding new ways to not only endure, but enjoy this time during Covid. If you end up purchasing any of these items message me and tell me how you like them, I am always curious what others love too!